Tuesday, September 12, 2006

do you love your country or your government?

National Day was 12 days ago. How did you celebrate it?

*pause* Why did you celebrate it?
Was it because the call of the government? Or you don't want to be left out? Or you are just patriotic... *doubts*

the Budget 2007 was announced, nothing too nice, nothing bad though...
the Sejarah text book is still going to be amended; the Chinese community stirred a big hoo-haa, but i'm not sure if Hishamuddin cares enough to take action...
the Mega Sales extended, not the period, but the variety, its now even at police stations!

well, i guess, the government loves us too much, that we just have to love them by hanging benderas around every August.

Note: i'm not quite sure what i was writing because i finished this entry yesterday, but the disconnection of wi-fi at One Utama just made every single word vanished... so, just ignore this post...


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