Tuesday, November 07, 2006

what i watched recently

:: HEART ::

It is actually not meeting my expectation, or maybe i expected too much from it. The story is about 2 childhood friends, a boy and a girl; the girl fell for the boy when they grew up. However, the boy falls in love with a comic artist.

The story is lame and the movie features only 3 of them. So, I find it quite boring. I feel like finishing up the story in 1 hour or less. But I love the colour of it. Beautiful.

And one thing that my sister and I find funny is: the name 'Rachel' is pronounced as 'Rek-Hel'. No offense, but just not so nice to be a girl's name...


A very good looking leading actress starring in a myth.

The story is about a lady who is destined to spend her life with the spices so that she can help people around her using the right spices. But, like the fairy tales, there are always rules cannot be broken, eventually broken. Yes, love story.

Nice colours also. But not a significant piece that you must not missed.


I used to think that not watching it in the cinema is a lost. But not after I watched it at home.

The broadway music is nice, but it is not like Moulin Rouge where it links from the start to the end. The story is real, I supposed; not as interesting as Chicago. Is it a tribute to a master?

Anyway, I just think that I don't understand the American jokes they showed and I think the whole show is very lengthy. And the after taste is strong, my mind keeps on running some German-English slang kind of words after watching it...


I think the story itself is special. But I don't feel anything after watching it. I... maybe I think within the box?


A friend asked me what do I think about this winning piece of Yu-Hang. I said, er... I think it is just a chronicles of a young man. And, I don't know what's the message he is trying to deliver... Then he snapped, You don't understand is it?

Well, I think every movie made by anyone is free to be perceived by the audience, isn't? If that's how I feel after watching it, then that's it. My friends and I happened to feel the same way though...

I do think that it is a very local movie because I can smell Malaysia in it, and I can almost taste it. The struggle of the young man over fixing his brother and mother's relationship, not understanding her mother's feeling as a widow, and his feeling towards the sisters are well-described.

By chance, I'd like to know, why is it called Rain Dogs? In Mandarin, it is called 'Sun Rain' (direct translation) meaning raining in a sunny day. Yes, I'm lazy enough to browse the web...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wish i had time for all the movies u mentioned b4 ler..
just impossible to water every single movie that seems interesting here. with $9 x 2.7, i could watch perhaps 3 movies in msia!
but the biggest constraint is still TIME..sigh


11:36 pm  

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