Tuesday, March 17, 2009


voices of the minority is so often neglected. even so, they don't mind to be invisible in the society, until their rights are being abused and their life is challenged.

love is always about acceptance. i don't know how people like Harvey Milk could have existed, and i love his encounter and story with Scott. yes, too romantic to be true, but too beautiful and enviable.

being determined, devoted and confident is just charming, at the eyes of the people. to actually work on those qualities, is the toughest thing. when Harvey was shot to death, he was alone, facing his favourite play (maybe just for the story enhancement, not sure), but that is the point, he is always alone. and so does everyone. no matter how much company you have everyday, you still have to face things alone, for instance, death.

having faith in something, focus and keep on working on it is incredible.
(dear ruoh tyi, don't you ever have doubts... you are definitely in good progress.)

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